Peinuan Qin is a PhD student of Computer Science at the AI4SG Lab, National University of Singapore. His research interests include Human Computer Interaction, Human AI Interaction, AI for Education, Communication, and Social Good. He is currently leading multiple HCI research projects, such as AI for multilingual communication and collaboration support, human-AI co-creation, AI for cyberbullying mitigation, AI for social good. Under the supervision of Prof. Yichieh Lee (NUS), Peinuan Qin has collaborated with top experts in the HCI and related fields, including Naomi Yamashita (General Co-Chair of CHI 2025); Xiangmin Fan (President of ACM SIGCHI China Chapter); Prof. Dakuo Wang (Northeastern University); Prof. Chilan Yang (University of Tokyo); and Prof. Jungup Lee (NUS).
PhD Computer Science
National University of Singapore, AI4SG Lab
Software Engineering Master
University of Melbourne